At Mackay K9 Training we can help you get ready for and attain your Therapy Dog Certificate.
When developing Therapy Dogs or Assistance Dogs, the most important part of the training is making sure your dogs temperament is going to right for the job you’d like them to do.
To attain your certificate you will need to do the online course through Therapy Dogs Australia, you can find loads of information on the Therapy Dogs Australia website and as their Locum Trainers we can we will be able to help you with the training and practical part of your assessment which means you no longer have to travel to Brisbane.
If your dog is already apart of your workplace you could ask your governing body if they need to be certified or just an assessment done to determine their suitability.
There are two main courses available:
• The Clinical Course which is Animal-Assisted Interventions training for dog & handler teams. Suitable for Bachelor trained professionals, and
• The Community Course which is Animal-Assisted Activities training for dog & handler teams. Suitable for community volunteers & Certificate /Diploma trained professionals.
Dogs need to be 12 months of age to be certified but you can definitely start the training at any age.