7/2 Fursden Street, Glenella
0499 417 117

Client Reviews

Kirsty Bell


We have been attending Mackay K9 Training with our Labrador puppy, Griggby, since July 2020. Our inital plan was to complete the Wonder Pup Program to ensure that our puppy had strong foundational obedience skills and to work on achieving the goals that were valuable to us.

At the end of our Wonder Pup Program, Griggby’s progress had superseded our expectations and he had achieved much more than we initially set out to do. A large focus of his training was around implemening the techniques in our day-to-day lives and Mackay K9 Training helped teach us how to make training a part of our lifestyle. We were given weekly homework, including video instructions, which made the tasks easy to understand and practice. We were so happy with this program that we decided to continue with both weekly one-on-one sessions and group classes.

Ell, our trainer, spent time with us determining meaningful goals for both our family and for Griggby. Whilst continuing to work on developing and maintaining all his foundational skills we also progressed his training into other areas. Ell was patient in trying lots of different activities to see what Griggby enjoyed and we are now working on developing his skills in nosework and tracking. Again, Ell took the time to discuss the underpinning framework of why this is genetically fulfilling for Labradors, what the training involves and how we progress this, and why it’s such a suitable and enjoyable activity for our dog. Ell frequently checks in with us between sessions to monitor our progress and problem solve any questions that we may have.

Ell and Sam are skilled and passionate trainers and we have had such a fun time working with them. Griggby LOVES attending all his training sessions and we have loved seeing him develop into such a happy, obedient, curious and enjoyable dog. We have committed to ongoing training with Mackay K9 Training to help our puppy develop to his full potential.

Kayla McKie


Would recommend Mackay K9 Training to anyone and everyone!

Sam and Ell are always available and happy to help with any training or questions that I have had. They are super supportive and encouraging when it comes to any type of training you are looking to do with your dog, whether that be obedience, position work, agility, nose work, muzzle training, behaviours or track training. They two of them have a treasure of knowledge about dog training, and it has been a pleasure to do a program through them, along with participating in the group classes they run as well. A decision I will never regret is investing in my dogs training and doing so through Mackay K9 Training. I look forward to many more training sessions with them, and am excited to see where my training with my dog continues to go with Sam and Ell.

Kay & Meeko

Kay Direen


WOW. What can I say. These ladies from Mackay K9 Training, saved the day.

I had a large German Shepherd who had issues, yes not just one, but included Dogs, cats, bikes, motorbikes, she was pulling me, I had no chance in controlling her, I tried the group classes, but Meeko ( My dog) just reacted worse. When I saw Sam and Ellen, and they came to assess US yes us, not just her, as they have shown me, it is about the way I react as well. WELL after having some lessons with them, and they used their own dogs as well to train Meeko with, I cannot believe the change in her and yes I am relaxed now when walking her, but I also have been educated on what to do in the case something happens. But it has taken time, seeing a trainer in not just a quick fix, Sam and Ell show you it is about committing to everyday doing simple things to make changes. They believe in positive training, not force. But they are passionate in what they do and why they started there business. Every dog is different, every owner is different and it takes individual training first to assess the problem. Honestly I tried different things, which didn’t work , until I picked up the phone and booking in with these ladies was the best thing I ever did. If you need help with your fur baby, don’t put it off, call Sam and Ell from Mackay K9 Training and you will never look back. You cant afford not to invest in training your dog or puppy. I cannot thank them enough.

The service they deliver is honestly 5 star.